Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday night and the lights are low...

Apparently Cindy McCain had aspirations of making it big on reality TV.  She was in talks with producers to be on Dancing With The Stars, but it looks like John has said "no ma'am."  That would have been a pretty big deal I think...

The last episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County was so good I watched it twice in one night: once at home with Lora and one at the gym on the eliptical.  Why was it so good, you ask? Well, the ladies had a dinner party and purposely got Gretchen wasted.  See, Gretchen is this hot young lady who is engaged so some super old guy.  Anyhow, she had a few too many tequila shots and started laying it hard on Lori's son Ryan.

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