Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday Night Stories

It's definitely not a spinoff...  J. Alexander and Jay Manuel of America's Next Top Model are getting their own show on The CW, in which five women from one town all get makeovers and do some sort of competition until a winner is chosen...  Interesting.  It's called Operation Fabulous.  Good one.

How many more spin-offs can they come up with?  This time it's Daisy from Rock Of Love's turn to try to find her one true love.  I'm sure some guy who loses on her show will end up with his own show, and so on and so on.  It's a vicious cycle and I LOVE IT.

Dancing With The Stars has come up with a Plan B.  So far this season, like five people have been injured on the show, including Misty May-Treanor who actually had to leave the competition.  Well, the producers have come up with this idea...  If a member of a team is injured during rehearsals and doesn't feel up to dancing live on the show, they can opt to show (probably edited) rehearsal footage.  Reality TV is so real!  

This should be good: Sarah Palin has reportedly signed on to guest star on Saturday Night Live's October 25th show!  In all fairness, I hope she does a good job.

I can't wait to hear David Archuleta's debut album, due out November 11, a week before champion David Cook's own album drops.  David A. has finally landed a manager and all the pieces are coming together for the cutest crooner to hit the Idol stage. 

Final Thought:  Seacrest out.  He's so funny.

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