Friday, March 21, 2008

Tonight in Boystown / Guest Bloggers!

Remember Jim Verraros from American Idol's first season?  I barely do...  Actually that's a lie. Here's one of his most memorable performances (be sure to check out Ryan's hair too!).  Anyhow, Jim is performing at Minibar in Chicago tonight, which is basically across the street from my house.  I'm going to a party this evening, but maybe I'll stop by Mini afterwards and see what's going on.  He's pretty cute now and has definitely come a long way from where he was on Idol. And yes, I'm considering him for my list of reality celebrities I could possibly make out with.  Ha.

In other news, I am going to be having some guest bloggers in the coming days/weeks!  I didn't get a chance to watch Idol this past week, but my roommate's boyfriend Josh took some fierce notes for me.  All I have to do is convince him to hand 'em over...  Then, after that, Lora & Libby will be providing an entry on the return of The Hillz.  They're both obsessed with the show (and Lauren, duh) and I'll unfortunately be working while it's on TV Monday night...  So look forward to that!

Final Thought: Perez (and others) are reporting that JC Chasez (now from Dance Crew) is involved in a steamy love triangle with Chace Crawford and Carrie Underwood.  Ha. Interesting.  If they have a sex tape, I'm DEFINITELY watching.  

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