Sunday, January 13, 2008

Real World Finale

I just finished watching the finale of The Real World Sydney.  Having watched a few of the first episodes, I didn't really make a point to follow the season.  When I left off, there were two slutty blond girls, Kelly Ann, Cohutta (SP?), Dunbar, Parisa, and Isaac, my favorite.  On the finale, there are no slutty blond girls (A Real World first?) and Ashli instead.  Cohutta and Kelly Ann are dating, Isaac has an Aussi girlfriend.  Everyone likes Parisa.  Strange what can happen over a few weeks!

Anyhow, the episode was pretty typical: lots of tears, a few recaps, and roommates re-bonding those ties which had been severed.  It must be a pretty strange feeling to live with people like that and then just disappear, knowing that the next time you see them could be never...  Actually, let's face it, they basically all end up on a Challenge at some point.

If you didn't see this season of The Real World, you really didn't miss much.  But if you want, you can watch the entire season online.

Final Thought: The Gaunlet III premiers on January 23.  Good people in the cast: Paula (hahaha), Coral (The Ultimate Diva), Robin (yes!!), Tyler (annoying but dramatic), and Frank (love him).  The trailer has all kinds of preview goodies: boys making out, girls making out, bitch fights, heart attacks, etc.

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